Enabling leadership skills at all levels of the organization

Coworkers in a meeting

Mursion enables leaders at any level of the organization to develop the leadership skills and competencies necessary to remain innovative and effective in today’s competitive marketplace.

Organizations help their leaders build these capabilities through live simulations that assess, coach, and support everyone in the organization – from the C-Suite to the frontline. Each scenario in the simulation is mapped to domains, competencies, and behaviors that contribute to leadership effectiveness and a specific and achievable outcome that the learner needs to achieve.

Domains include:

  • Relationships and Rapport
  • Influence Others
  • Teaming and Coaching
  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Presentation and Facilitation

Virtual leadership skill development

Happy coworkers on laptops

Mursion’s platform provides the opportunity to identify areas of excellence and opportunities for upskilling leaders through a powerful and psychologically safe, sequence of virtual learning experiences.

Mursion is the only solution that integrates authentic workplace simulations with dynamic skills assessment, contextual coaching, and enterprise-level data insights into leaders’ competencies and capabilities.

Using Mursion to Develop Leaders

  1. Work with your executive leaders to identify your business objective or organizational challenges.
  2. Determine your audience(s) or learner groups who will be the focus of your learning.
  3. Identify specific leadership competencies that will address your challenges and help achieve your business objectives
  4. Curate a pathway of scenarios to practice and develop those leadership competencies

A platform to measure your organization’s readiness to manage change in a dynamic marketplace

Women discussing business on couch

Give executive leaders the ability to see how leaders manage in the moment, especially in stressful and high-stakes situations.

Measure the extent that managers possess the key leadership skills needed to drive change across the business, such as developing trusting relationships, influencing others, teaming and coaching, problem-solving, and leading change initiatives.

Accelerate learning and progress through opportunities for feedback and contextual coaching

Develop insights through enterprise-level dashboards that use analytical data to better drive leadership skill and capability building

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